Evolution of the Barbie Brand: Mattel's 'Imagine the Possibilities' Campaign



Case Code : CLMM117
Publication date : 2016
Subject : Marketing Management
Industry : Toy Industry
Organization : Mattel Inc.
Length : 05 Pages
Teaching Note : No


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Abstract: ICMR India ICMR India ICMR India ICMR India RSS Feed

The case talks about US-based toy manufacturer Mattel Inc.’s (Mattel’s) campaign of 2015 to address the problem of falling sales that its flagship brand Barbie was experiencing. The campaign aimed to revamp the popularity of Barbie among its target audience and to promote a positive message about the Barbie doll. The case starts out by providing details about the company and the products it sold other than Barbie dolls...


» To understand the evolution of a brand.
» To evaluate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign In bringing about a change in the perception about a product.


US-based Mattel Inc. (Mattel), the world’s largest toy company as of 2016, was founded in 1945 by Elliot and Ruth Handler (Ruth). As of 2016, the company designed, manufactured, marketed, and distributed a large variety of toys in 150 nations. The Mattel family comprised best-selling products such as Barbie , the most popular fashion doll ever produced; Hot Wheels, car and race games; Monster High which included products such as toys, play sets, video games, and TV Specials; American Girl – 18 inch dolls of various ethnicities; Thomas & Friends, a remote control toy train; and the Fisher-Price brand for infants and children, including Little People and Power Wheels. Mattel also produced a wide range of entertainment inspired toy lines based on various characters from Disney and Sesame Street and games such as Scrabble and UNO....

Key words:
Mattel,Barbie dolls,Toy industry,Advertisement and Communication,Brand management,Marketing campaign,Brand evolution,Brand Decline,‘You can be Anything’,Brand Repositioning

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